From the factory floor of Northampton to the catwalks of Milan, Kinky Boots struts into Leeds Grand Theatre from Tuesday 9 to Saturday 20 April 2019.
With songs by Grammy® and Tony® winning pop icon Cyndi Lauper, direction and choreography by Jerry Mitchell and book by Broadway legend Harvey Fierstein , this musical celebrates a joyous story of Brit grit to high-heeled hit.
Inspired by true events, Kinky Boots tells the story of Charlie Price, a shoe manufacturer from Northampton who is struggling to live up to his father’s expectations and continue the family business of Price & Son. With the factory’s future hanging in the balance, help arrives in the unlikely but spectacular form of Lola, a fabulous performer in need of some sturdy new stilettos. Kinky Boots is a joyous musical celebration about the friendships we discover and the belief that you can change the world when you change your mind.
Kinky Boots will star Kayi Ushe in the role of Lola, Paula Lane, known for her role as Kylie Platt in Coronation Street, as Lauren and Joel Harper-Jackson as Charlie.
To book call Box Office on 0844 848 2700 or click here.
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